Christmas is coming

Why not Razor - afterall it is Fathers Day :D...
(and almost the weekend. :p ) Good on ya.
I didn't know it was fathers day, my daughter was over this afternoon, she didn't say happy fathers day, but I did get a big hug before she left with half of what was in the refridgerator.

I got a couple of nice "Happy Father's Day" messages from my daughter, who is away finishing her final year at Ubon University. I think she wants something...
I was 'allowed' to take the four of us out to dinner tonight to celebrate Fathers Day. Just as I'm allowed a gift on birthdays and Christmas paid for out of my wallet... Such generosity is heartwarming.
I know the feeling well although I am told I spend too much on myself. WTF!
The girls have got 50,000 cuddly toys


but no fairies. This is the closest I can find ....................
