Home Mart or Home Pro in Burriram ...



Please does anyone know where there is a BIG home mart or pro in Burriram ? I have only ever found a small one and it never had much choice , but I do hear there is a big one somewhere .

I-Q in Surin is ok but 8 times out of 10 they have no stock only the 1 on display .

Waiting a month for an order is not my thing !DeadHorse2
Quote from: Starman on December 29, 2010, 07:31:58 AM

To be fair there is a huge buliders merchants in Buriram. It is about 1km from the "elephant roundabout" in the direction of the Airport. Everytime I have been in there they have had what I want. Bloody good prices and free delivery.

Yes,Big warehouse and wide selection of building materials,etc.
Bigger than 'home mart', their name is 'HOME MEGA MART'.

Home Mega Mart.
Address: 555 M.1 Robmeang Road, Isan, Muang Buriram.
Tel: 044-602602
Website: http://www.homemegamart.co.th/

บจก. โฮม เมก้ามาร์ท HOME Megamart Co.,Ltd.
555 หมู่ที่1 ถนนรอบเมือง, ตำบลอิสาณ, เมือง buriram, บุรีรัมย์ 31000

044 602 602 – 044 602 555 – 044 602 559 (โทรสาร) – 08 5778 8866 (โทรศัพท์เคลื่อนที่) ‎

Hi Alan the Builder

Hope this helps ~~~ copied from Buriram Expats site ... for map and more info see IQ moderntrade comes to Buriram post!

It's easy to find Alan. Coming from Surin just follow the road all the way to Buriram. Pass the driving range. Go down the slight hill. Get to the traffice lights with the Ptt petrol station on the right and the big,ugly, closed down hotel diagonally opposite on the left. Look right and you will see a big sign "Mega Home Mart".
Thanks guys . I did go to 1 in that area once and it was a big shop .. with not a lot inside ,mabe not the same one .I will take a drive out there soon thanks again guys ..