What is it for?

Merlin, very interesting. As pointed out by Ivor, our waste pipes are par for the course for Surin, they have no water traps or anything else to stop smells or creepie crawlies coming in. Apart from a loose fitting stainless steel plate (with holes) it just blue pipes all the way to the drains. I discovered after clearing a blocked outlet from the master bathroom, documented a couple of years or more ago on this forum, that the waste shower water bypasses the septic tank and flows into the main drains. Maybe this is why we do not suffer from smelly drains. However, this does not prevent the odd centipede creeping in undetected. When discovered, this usually results in loud screams from within the bathroom from one of the three young ladies that live here. Pappa to the rescue.

The problem I have is educating my two daughters to clear the drain covers of their 'lost' hair after each shampoo. This does cause a problem and in this house is the primary cause for drain blockages - 'lost' hair. The stainless steel plate traps most hair and, provided it is cleaned after each shampoo, tends to keep the drains clear. The smaller mesh insets that I have tried become very quickly blocked with hair and soap. Very effective but require cleaning after nearly every shower. Liberal applications of EM and other drain cleaners also help.
I was fortunate to be present during the construction of my house and ensured that traps (two in two cases) were installed in the three waste pipes.