electric bill

It's warming up a bit now. I've taken off my North Sea "Peter Storm" jacket and scarf.

I've had on the "Peter Storm" jacket, scarf and long trousers as from 06:00 this morning. About 14:00 I took the scarf off but it's gone back on now.
Got to admit Yorky that I had to put my fleece pullover type thingy on this morning and no aircon all day.
I was up at 10 to 3 though cos summat knocked my recycle bottles over outside the kitchen window. Flew out of bed and got my big stick then let the dog out then went round the yard looking. Couldn't sleep after that. Ha
No fleece after 8 though.
It was so cold this morning that my missus put me back on the school run. She stayed indoors with the hot oil-filled radiator. So much for saving on the air con - now we have the radiator fired up to keep warm. 555!
Cold weather’s obviously helping

Other than for cooking, I definitely have no heating appliances. And electricity for cooking only amounts to the halogen oven, the microwave, a deep fry, rice cooker, slow cooker and the kettle (plus a few choppers, blenders and grinders).
How do you do it? Padlocks on every switch and socket? :)

Mine arrived today too. All 3940.60 Bht of it, and it's the lowest in 3 years at this house!

Oh, I forgot the toaster, sandwich toaster and citrus juicer. I haven't a clue why everyone else's is so high.

No padlocks.

All light bulbs are energy savers and are not used sparingly. There are two computers running half the day and at least one television running most of the day. The fridge/freezer is obviously always turned on and the washing machine appears to be operating for 2 hours most days. The electric water pump provides the house with water from the storage tank as and when required. The electric showers operate four times/day normally (hot in the winter months).
How do you do it? Padlocks on every switch and socket? :)

Mine arrived today too. All 3940.60 Bht of it, and it's the lowest in 3 years at this house!

Ha! Ha! I did better than you. Mine was 4009.01 baht. If I didn't know better I would have said Yorky hails from Scotland. I reckon he has hot wired his electricty supply to his neighbour's house and only uses his metered supply for cooling down his beer. Maybe Slumdog72 has had something to do with it. :mad::mad::mad:
Ha! Ha! I did better than you. Mine was 4009.01 baht. If I didn't know better I would have said Yorky hails from Scotland. I reckon he has hot wired his electricty supply to his neighbour's house and only uses his metered supply for cooling down his beer. Maybe Slumdog72 has had something to do with it. :mad::mad::mad:

My next door neighbour.........

next door.jpg

They don't leave much behind when they move in Surin.