
Oh my god Robjak :eek::eek::eek::eek:. You think if you buy the appropriate tool they are going to use it. I told you already I bought that tool for that purpose. Do you think the family has EVER! used it.
Never ! They would rather use a plate. I would bet a shilling they don't use your shovel either.
Fuk the shovel Rice, I thought about it and you're right it would never get used so I've not bothered. Let them carry on as they are. Ha
Fuk the shovel Rice, I thought about it and you're right it would never get used so I've not bothered. Let them carry on as they are. Ha

I always had you figured for a philanthropist I understand you'd rather just get pissed :D
That IMHO would in the majority of cases result as the better decision when dealing with one's family. ;)

I continually make the major mistake of sympathizing and trying to assist in making life a tad gentler...that usually turns out to be a major mistake on my part. :flushed:
It must be the compassion within one that stifles the expat from making the better choice, eh.

[Er hon-nee, tell me will only take B 5,000 to prevent your Mum from going to jail. ask yourself what would an astute, intelligent and pragmatic fellow really say in reply to the anguished appeal from one's partner ?
(Yup, it takes really big balls to make the best decision, doesn't it.)];)
I always had you figured for a philanthropist I understand you'd rather just get pissed :D
That IMHO would in the majority of cases result as the better decision when dealing with one's family. ;)

I continually make the major mistake of sympathizing and trying to assist in making life a tad gentler...that usually turns out to be a major mistake on my part. :flushed:
It must be the compassion within one that stifles the expat from making the better choice, eh.

[Er hon-nee, tell me will only take B 5,000 to prevent your Mum from going to jail. ask yourself what would an astute, intelligent and pragmatic fellow really say in reply to the anguished appeal from one's partner ?
(Yup, it takes really big balls to make the best decision, doesn't it.)];)
Get pissed or help the family, ermm let me think about that.
I wouldn't piss on her family but I feel sorry for sister in law she's a grafter.
All this talk about my mythical shovel so I went to pull it out to spread the rice out to dry. It appears that my shovel is so precious that it is hidden under the rice in the rice store. So I used an old small rusty shovel. By the way using that was much faster then kicking it about with rubber boots. Like they were doing. I have truly given up trying to work it all out.
Go on Robjak buy them that shovel it will give you endless amusement. You may not know why I bought the shovel in the first place. I once hired two family members to handle the rice and my dimwitted wife paid them in advance. So they got pissed on Lao Khaw. The rice harvester not knowing what to do with the rice dumped the entire load on the road in front of the house so muggins had to shovel it into the pickup to take it to the rice buyer. 6 Loads! I will mount that shovel on the wall as a talking point some day.
All this talk about my mythical shovel so I went to pull it out to spread the rice out to dry. It appears that my shovel is so precious that it is hidden under the rice in the rice store. So I used an old small rusty shovel. By the way using that was much faster then kicking it about with rubber boots. Like they were doing. I have truly given up trying to work it all out.
Go on Robjak buy them that shovel it will give you endless amusement. You may not know why I bought the shovel in the first place. I once hired two family members to handle the rice and my dimwitted wife paid them in advance. So they got pissed on Lao Khaw. The rice harvester not knowing what to do with the rice dumped the entire load on the road in front of the house so muggins had to shovel it into the pickup to take it to the rice buyer. 6 Loads! I will mount that shovel on the wall as a talking point some day.
Get the f**ker gold plated.:D:D:D:D