Rice harvest to be lean financialy

One thing also, I forbade them to burn of the land in the dry season. After the harvest I had it plowed. So you "make" your own dertilizer and your land will become more "firm" = more humus = easier to plow, to plant and to harvest.
This means for me an extra cost because I have it plowed twice, once after the harvest and once before planting and as from last year all land is easily accesible for combine-harvesters.
One thing also, I forbade them to burn of the land in the dry season. After the harvest I had it plowed. So you "make" your own dertilizer and your land will become more "firm" = more humus = easier to plow, to plant and to harvest.
This means for me an extra cost because I have it plowed twice, once after the harvest and once before planting and as from last year all land is easily accesible for combine-harvesters.

last year I asked the question "Why not plough after harvest when the land is moist/wet to breal up the soil ahead of the dry season"

I was told that nobody does that!

Thanks Marc.
low yield

Marlino : that is a low yield - the thai yield - I had the land properly leveled, gotten all the treetrunks out, made proper dams and my yield went up to 1.000 kg/rai. Okay, I spend about 250.000 baht to get it done but since the yield has been the same. It is a very long time investment but it works. But still it is no moneymaker !!!!

I have the mother and brother in law managing the whole thing. They do it as they "always did" and a farang has no clue anyway. Same with the burning, told them not to burn, they said ok, guess what they did. May be all the efforts are worse on a bigger farm, the average farmer just not has the land and the knowledge to get more out of it. The 8 rai farmers from the village didn't have enough to eat for themselves 2 years ago and had to eat cheap chickenrice for the last months until the harvest. They have to sell enough to pay the loans back in November, when it comes to prepare the fields in May they have to take new loans already. No way they can survive with 6 baht/kilo.
last year I asked the question "Why not plough after harvest when the land is moist/wet to breal up the soil ahead of the dry season"

I was told that nobody does that!

Thanks Marc.

I was told that nobody does that!

The stock answer from Thai's with regard to most things in everyday life. They have no thoughts to change things for the better, even if the facts are staring them in the face. Nobody knows better than them about anything in Thailand -especially a farang! It's always been that way so let's carry on as usual! PATHETIC!
Now we are talking about rice in SURIN Provence.

I have been growing rice with the family for a while now. I have seen a few methods used. If you use the throw the wet seed method and control evasive weeds, you will reap around 300 to 450 kg a rai. The most successful method is actually the old dum na method of planting out seedlings manually this will reap about 650 kg. I have seen the difference side by side with my family's fields and a small plot adjoining our own its amazing how it works better.

Having said that there is still no money in it. Break even if your lucky.
I have seen a lot of family's lose their fields lately due to mounting debts.
Now we are talking about rice in SURIN Provence.

I have been growing rice with the family for a while now. I have seen a few methods used. If you use the throw the wet seed method and control evasive weeds, you will reap around 300 to 450 kg a rai. The most successful method is actually the old dum na method of planting out seedlings manually this will reap about 650 kg. I have seen the difference side by side with my family's fields and a small plot adjoining our own its amazing how it works better.

Having said that there is still no money in it. Break even if your lucky.
I have seen a lot of family's lose their fields lately due to mounting debts.

Yep, my wife has been buying them and turning the land over to other crops. Though we still do grow some rice, it is for personal use with a little left over to sell later in the year.
I vote for marlino as the resident expert on this subject. I agree with everything he says.

One other subject that has not been mentioned is the cost to buy new land. Some 35 kilometers from Surin, around my wife's village, land prices in the past few years have escalated big time. When we came here ten years ago we could have bought paddy-land at 30,000 Baht/rai. Now, ten years later, they are asking 300,000 baht/rai plus.

Given marlino's assessment of yield, costs and profit how the "flying f**k" can you make a profit on growing rice if you are starting from scratch and have to buy your land first?
Last year the wife got 600 kg per rai hand sow. The fl & ml gave up on the nursery method as to costly for labor. Under the nursery method they were getting 500 kg per rai. As for harvesting they also said fork the labor cost for hand cutting and went over to the combine harvester.
Rice farmers seek B10,000 a tonne

Time to bump this topic. Bump1

Rice farmers will ask for 10,000 baht for a tonne for paddy, a level they find profitable, while a survey shows the farm sector is facing an acute labour shortage. They also want 11,000 baht a tonne for Pathum Thani paddy and 15,000 baht for the hom mali variety. Representatives of five farmers' groups will meet with a Commerce Ministry panel on Friday to discuss rice problems. "These prices are appropriate as they allow us to earn some profits," Rawee Rungruang, chairman of the Thai Farmers Network, told Thairath Online early on Friday. Since the government's farm policy involving zoning, farm-essentials cost reduction and productivity upgrade takes time to materialise, the farmers are looking for a short-term relief for the current crop season. The farming cost is now 5,000 baht on average for one rai, which yields 750kg, so they need to farm on three rai to get two tonnes. Since paddy now fetches 8,000 baht a tonne, the farmers get 16,000 baht for three rai, or a little over 300 baht a rai, which is inadequate, Mr Rawee said.

And if the grain has too much moisture, the prices will be even lower, he added. For the upcoming season, the Commerce Ministry plans to help by organising paddy markets, asking millers to pay 100-200
baht above market prices to build stocks while giving them a special interest rate as compensation and encouraging farmers to build their own stocks to avoid concurrent post-harvest sales which put pressure on the prices.


I don't know where they pulled 5000 B a rai costs when last year it was quoted at 8000 a much more believable figure. It looks like locals may if they are lucky break even. Hang on for a rough ride this rice season.
A few more pickups for sale I bet.
They will be lucky to see 8000 per ton. The local price will be out sometime next month.
Correct me if I am wrong but were they getting around 13 to 14 Baht/tonne last year? Presumably under the then Government rice pledging scheme.

To paraphrase something Rice quoted (from the Bangkok Post),

"The farming cost is now 5,000 baht on average for one rai, which yields 750kg, so they need to farm on three rai to get two tonnes. Since paddy now fetches 8,000 baht a tonne, the farmers get 16,000 baht for three rai, or a little over 300 baht a rai, which is inadequate, Mr Rawee said."

In my MIL's case, her 6 rai should yield:

Financial yield:
6 rai x 750 kg/rai = total yield 4,500 kg
4.5 tonne x 8,000 ฿ = selling price 36,000 ฿

less farming cost:
5,000 ฿ x 6 rai = 30,000 ฿

total profit = 6,000 ฿

At 8,000 Baht per tonne, that's a lot of effort over a 12-month period for very little return. Doesn't seem worth it. No doubt the middlemen and the rice mills will do much better. "It's the rich what gets the pleasure, it's the poor what gets the blame, it's the same the whole world over, ain't it all bloody shame."

Correct me if I am wrong but were they getting around 13 to 14 Baht/tonne last year? Presumably under the then Government rice pledging scheme.

To paraphrase something Rice quoted (from the Bangkok Post),

"The farming cost is now 5,000 baht on average for one rai, which yields 750kg, so they need to farm on three rai to get two tonnes. Since paddy now fetches 8,000 baht a tonne, the farmers get 16,000 baht for three rai, or a little over 300 baht a rai, which is inadequate, Mr Rawee said."

In my MIL's case, her 6 rai should yield:

Financial yield:
6 rai x 750 kg/rai = total yield 4,500 kg
4.5 tonne x 8,000 ฿ = selling price 36,000 ฿

less farming cost:
5,000 ฿ x 6 rai = 30,000 ฿

total profit = 6,000 ฿

At 8,000 Baht per tonne, that's a lot of effort over a 12-month period for very little return. Doesn't seem worth it. No doubt the middlemen and the rice mills will do much better. "It's the rich what gets the pleasure, it's the poor what gets the blame, it's the same the whole world over, ain't it all bloody shame."


18 baht per kilo last year. Thats what put the lady in red out of work. Your other figures are very close BTW 12 baht per kilo that took the cash options.
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Now we are talking about rice in SURIN Provence.

I have been growing rice with the family for a while now. I have seen a few methods used. If you use the throw the wet seed method and control evasive weeds, you will reap around 300 to 450 kg a rai.

We have been over this before, around Surin you never get 750kg/rai, more like what I have quoted before. 750Kg yield is for central region flood planes eg Arng Thong, Suphan Buri ect. Now do those sums again NM.
We have been over this before, around Surin you never get 750kg/rai, more like what I have quoted before. 750Kg yield is for central region flood planes eg Arng Thong, Suphan Buri ect. Now do those sums again NM.

I'm down here in Kap Choeng and last years was the best for us at 600 per rai.
Waste of time...

Good comments...... but still no computation.
Done the figures with another friend in the same situation; at best, 1,000 thb per rai profit per annum. Sitting on 2,000,000 thb of rice land but can't sell because would lose face. What a load of bo**ox.Cry3.
The panic is setting in.

This was always going to happen.

Critics have blasted the government's 40-billion baht cash injection to low-income rice farmers, saying the measure is only a face-saving ploy.

Face saving! More like country saving. 4 Million rice farmers with no income and only debts. I was afraid we were heading straight into this calamity months ago.

Former energy minister Pichai Naripthaphan, who sits on the Pheu Thai Party's economics team, said 1,000 baht per rai for each farmer is not enough.

I can see no solution to this mess that the previous government got the country into.
There has been a steady flow of population moving of the farms in recent decades. I fear that this will reach a flood in the near future if a livelihood can not be made of the land.

This was always going to happen.

Critics have blasted the government's 40-billion baht cash injection to low-income rice farmers, saying the measure is only a face-saving ploy.

Face saving! More like country saving. 4 Million rice farmers with no income and only debts. I was afraid we were heading straight into this calamity months ago.

Former energy minister Pichai Naripthaphan, who sits on the Pheu Thai Party's economics team, said 1,000 baht per rai for each farmer is not enough.

I can see no solution to this mess that the previous government got the country into.
There has been a steady flow of population moving of the farms in recent decades. I fear that this will reach a flood in the near future if a livelihood can not be made of the land.


They won't move off the farms in a big way. What can they do? Go to Bangkok and work on building sites. 300bt/day. Live in tin huts with expensive food. Come back home every week or so for weddings. funerals, lucky home parties and all the other bullshit, and there will be no money left.

Better to stay at home, eat the rice they have grown, with fish and bugs they catch, washed down with lao khao, and go to all the parties wherever and whenever.